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Jaime DeFelice

Sitting around the dinner table as a little girl, I would hear stories from my father about students of his that were struggling, students that were succeeding and students that had touched his heart. As I listened, I could hear the passion in his voice and his desire to be that changing person in a child's life. I knew then that I needed and wanted to do the same. From the time I was a very little girl I played school with my friends, my stuffed animals and even my pets. I wanted to teach with the same passion and love that I had witnessed growing up.

I attended Southern Connecticut State University and received my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. During my student teaching I was amazed and inspired by the feeling I would get when I was able to help a child grasp an idea. I taught for 9 years in the North Branford School District as a first and second grade looping teacher. I loved having the chance to work for two years with the same children and witness the amount of growth they could achieve both academically and socially. When I went back for my master's degree in Special Education and Early Childhood I realized that the excitement and enthusiasm of young children is infectious! I loved working with little ones and became passionate about working with that age group. After having my two children, I decided to take the leap and follow my dreams. I feel blessed everyday to have the chance to work with children and inspire them to learn and grow.

Aside from teaching children, I love to spend time with my family. My husband and I have a little girl Madelyn and a little boy Louie. I love going on vacation, spending time at the beach and having family get-togethers.

Here is one of my favorite quotes because I think it reminds me all the time that what I am saying is just as important as what I am teaching: "They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Carol Buchner

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